Pattison's Academy is more than just a place – it's an education and rehabilitation hub that's all about changing the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Our approach brings together education and therapy in a special way, giving each child a personalized and intense learning experience all year round. It's about tailoring our support to each child that walks through our doors.

Who We Serve

We believe that regardless of the obstacles they face, every child has the right and ability to reach their maximum potential. At Pattison’s Academy, we believe that for children to learn and grow, one must consider the “whole” child - their medical, motor, sensory and emotional strengths and needs. We specialize in breaking down barriers to provide a highly individualized special education curriculum, coordinated and integrated with necessary therapies and medical services to support our students as they achieve their goals.

Our Child-Centered Model


The child is at the center of all we do.

In the traditional model, families of a child with disabilities often find themselves lost in a confusing tangle of services needed for their child's physical, educational, and emotional wellbeing. But at Pattison's, we switch things up. We make the child the heart of everything we do and rally a team of experts around them. By bringing all the necessary care together, we become a one-stop hub for giving these kids the tools they need to reach their full potential.


What We Do

Our services include therapy services, family support services with a focus on early intervention, education through our charter school, and a therapeutic summer camp. These programs are intended to maximize the potential of every child, as well as to empower parents and caregivers. We invite you to learn more about our programs.